Remnant of the King.
Most youth groups have names to describe themselves and what they are about.
As young adults we have experienced several situations in our lives that have made us want “something more”. The youth in this church has experienced what it is to be part of (or rejected by) certain youth group “clicks” within churches. We have also experienced the tug and pull of trying to be a genuine teen Christian followers yet living double lives when we were out of church. Some of our youth have experienced “all the world has to offer” yet still yearned for that “something more”. Frequently in life the question is asked: “Isn’t there anything more to this life?” Youth, just as adults ask themselves these questions deep down inside. During times of being hypocrites, during times of giving into the temptations and pit falls of this world and during those times of loneliness we asked ourselves this question.
That something more was not only knowing about God but a true genuine relationship with the Father. We have sought and accepted something that unfortunately not a lot of youth get to experience. With a constant one on one relationship with the Pastor and experiencing the bible “come to life” our lives have truly transformed. We believe in the book of Acts, which include healing and deliverance.
According to the Random House Dictionary, the word remnant means: “usually small part, quantity, number, or the like”. We do not profess to be the best, we profess to be a small quantity of young adults that are tired of living double lives. We are working on being that generation that will truly serve The King. We are blessed enough to find that there is something more out there. We want to do things differently and welcome all the youth that step into this church regardless of their background and past. We are aiming to help the youth attain a true, bible living life and not bring them down in any way shape or form.
We are a small but mighty group in the Lord. We are the Remnant of the King.